Wednesday 28 May 2014

Lumion Facade..

The first basic idea of the exterior of my building drawn up in CAD and then rendered in Lumion..

Monday 26 May 2014

A little new direction..

Some new inspirational images found today while faffing on Pinterest :)

Healing Aspects..

Thesis Layout..

We have to design a thesis layout, let me know what you think :)
This probably will change later on this year..

New Practice Logo..

Some fun for Contracts..
Designed a new logo

As Builts..

As built Drawings of The Manor

Design Concept..

The Design Concept is always changing, so that it can be defined better and seen in the space, making the design a successful one.

It is always challenging to apply the design concept as well as the theories into the space, the design is critted and changed to make the design the best that it can possibly be. It always helps to get others ideas on your designs and ideas..

My concept has not changed drastically but it has been clearly defined now as Structured Nature.
My theories are heavily influenced by Nature, but this is a very broad term, so in an attempt to narrow it down, the link between Nature and the interpretation of Eastern Design need to be defined.

Nature has organic shapes, but everything can be broken down into a simple structure. In a way I see this as a type of therapy, seeing something and then breaking it down into a simple structure so that it can be understood, this approach is taken when trying to understand anything even the most complicated situation or object.

So, I came up with the sketches seen below to visually explain what I mean by everything being able to be broken down into simple structures and shapes.

New Logo

After being super indecisive about a logo.. I designed this new one :)
The meaning is still the same, Zentai is Japanese for the word Whole. The colours that I have incorporated into the new logo are the neutral grey tones, but the purple and pink because of a theory used in the design of my space on Colour Therapy.

The grey or silver colour represents female energy, rebirth and emotional stability, among other important aspects. The purple is said to heal melancholy, hysteria and bring spiritual insights and renewal. The pink is to represent a more feminine aspect because the retreat is for woman, pink is also said to bring you in to contact with your feelings as well as healing grief and sadness.